









With the recent passing of Bob Elliott ,who was one half of the comedy duo of Bob and Ray, it seemed fitting to pay tribute to the legendary comedy team.  For almost 45 years, until the death of Elliott’s comedy partner Ray Goulding in 1990, Bob and Ray entertained millions of radio listeners and television viewers.  Spoofs of other radio programs and man in the street interviews were staple  as were commercial parodies.   The pair were first heard on Boston radio station WHDH in 1946 and continued on the air for over four decades on NBC, CBS , and Mutual networks. Their last program was heard on National Public Radio in 1987.   Author David Pollock, who has had a life long appreciation for the comedy pair, tells the story of Bob and Ray in his 2013 biography,  Bob & Ray: Keener Than Most Persons which is described by  Doug McIntyre of the Los Angeles Daily News as “a must-read for fans of B&R or anyone interested in radio when it was still a creative force.”   This is a welcome biography that chronicles  their career with extensive detail.  Along the way , Pollock shares the history of the two men and provides insight into their personal lives and documents the origins of the team’s best known comedy bits which were key to the teams success and longevity.
The author himself has his own comedy credentials. David Pollock has written for the Carol Burnett Show , All In the Family, M*A*S*H*, Cheers, and Frasier, and even nightclub material for the legendary Jack Benny.  There is certainly no one better to document and  lead a tribute to  the Peabody Award winning comedy team.
David  Pollock author of Bob & Ray: Keener Than Most Persons will be featured Saturday morning at 11:00 am.  However,  you can find him at the REPS SHOWCASE all weekend long. He will have copies of his book so please make a point to come and see us.

